Why Your Emergency Brake Should Not Act As Your Full-Time Brake

Automotive Blog

As funny as it may sound, some people actually rely on their emergency brake as a regular braking system when their regular brakes need serious repair. Not only is this dangerous, but also quite unreliable. Here are a few other reasons why your emergency brake should not be your go-to brake on a daily basis. Rear Wheel Skids and Vehicle Rolling When you use your emergency brake as a regular brake, your car gets confused.

11 February 2015

Recycling Your Junk Car: How To Get The Most Money Out Of Your Clunker

Automotive Blog

Recycling a junk car is a great way to recoup a portion of your investment after this vehicle has lost its appeal on the private market. Unfortunately, far too many people are unaware of how much their junk cars can really be worth to a local scrap yard. Consequently, it is not uncommon for people to simply take the first offer they get without giving much though to how they could get more money out of their old car.

5 February 2015

Helpful Tips For Keeping Your Motorcycle Safe During Transport


If you like to travel with your motorcycle or show it off at motorcycle shows, you probably have to transport it every now and then. Unfortunately, since motorcycles can be unstable without a rider, you could be worried about keeping your two-wheeled treasure in good condition when taking it from place to place. Fortunately, following these tips makes it a breeze to keep your motorcycle safe during transport. Use an Enclosed Trailer

29 January 2015

3 Factors To Look Into That Can Save You Money On Your Towing Service

Automotive Blog

Your car can break down at any given time, and if it does, are you prepared to hire a towing company for reliable and affordable service? Towing services can be very expensive if you rush to hire a company, which is why it is important that you prepare in advance as this will give you time to seek a towing company that is in your budget and offers a variety of fast services.

26 January 2015

Sitting Pretty: Tips For Female Truck Drivers


There are not many women across the world who have taken on the job of being truck drivers, especially of heavy haulage vehicles. This is still very much a male dominated job with only about 0.5 percent of women in the United Kingdom, approximately 5 percent in Australia and just over 200,000 women in the United States who are truck drivers. As a result of this, women can sometimes still find that there are challenges inherent in adopting the lifestyle of a truck driver especially in taking long distance jobs.

21 January 2015

Punctured Tires: 3 Ways You Can Repair It

Automotive Blog

Passing through rocky conditions and running over pebbles or small stones on the ground is unavoidable, and can result in the tires getting punctured. If the puncture is small, you may be able to repair the tires, provided that they are not run-on tires, instead of replacing them with new ones and save bundles. This article will explore the three most common repair methods that have been recommended: Using a Tire Sealant

16 January 2015

Stay Safe Behind The Wheel: Get Your Wheels Aligned

Automotive Blog

Gas prices are currently cheap, but that doesn't mean you should just drive without regard to car maintenance. Wheel alignment, for instance, is something you have to pay close attention to. Failure to do so could result in serious damage to your car. Why do wheels need to be aligned? When all four wheels are aligned, they are perpendicular to the road and working together to get you to your destination.

13 January 2015